Saturday 11 August 2012

Today is Friday August 10, 2012, which brings us to Day 5 and Beer # 5 of the 30 IN 30........

Beer # 5 is Wellington Brewery's Trailhead Premium Lager.......

I am currently at a family dinner where I am enjoying this beer. Like my other picks in the 30 IN 30, I don't have my camera with me so hence the generic picture. Trailhead Premium Lager was not my original pick for beer # 5 but since it was served to me it became beer # 5. I hadn't even thought of this beer before the 30 IN 30, but somehow Trailhead  found me and am I glad that it did. Sometimes things have a way of working out.

Upon my first sip, I notice a slight bitterness to this beer. Typically for a guy like me this would be an immediate turnoff to a beer, but Wellington Brewery has made Trailhead Lager different in this regard. The bitterness is crisp and enjoyable and only compells me to drink another sip. This beer is a very smooth lager and goes down easy. It is the perfect beer for the summer meal we are enjoying of BBQ pork tenderloin, roasted potatoes and corn on the cob. The cool crisp smooth taste of Trailhead Lager compliments my food swimmingly, and makes for the perfect meal.

I decided I would hop onto Wellington Brewery's website ( to see what their notes on this beer are. They say that "Trailhead is a Vienna-style lager which is characterized by a careful balance malt sweetness and clean, crisp hop bitterness". I guess the contrast of sweetness mixed in with bitterness is what makes this an enjoyable beer for a guy like me who typically shys away from bitter beers. They go on to say that this beer is good to be paired  with foods such as "hot spicy foods such as Mexican, Cajun, and Asian". I'd say it goes well with BBQ'd  foods as well, but that's just me.

Well I must get back to dinner, but hop on by tomorrow to find out what beer makes the cut for day # 6 of the 30 IN 30.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to stay up to date by following me on twitter @ 30in30Beck or on the Spotted Tap (



Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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