Thursday 16 August 2012

August 15, 2012... Day # 10, Beer #10

Well It is a big day as we have reached the big 1 - 0 in our 30 IN 30. In honour of this milestone, I have saved a hard working beer. So with that, let's get down to business. Beer # 10 in the 30 IN 30 is the working man's Ale. It's Railway City Brewery's Iron Spike Blonde Ale.

I use the term working man's ale loosely in this regard as this is definitely an Ale for everyone. As much as I liked the Dead Elephant Ale, on my second attempt with it, this beer is spectacular from the get go. It has an  almost kind of citrus flavour right off the hop. I find it to be a really smooth and easy drinking ale. I tend to like the blonde style of ales and lagers, but Railway City's Blonde Ale has been my favorite so far in this category. I find the aftertaste to be kind of sweet and floral and actually quite pleasant. It compels me to have another few sips as I am writing here. I find that this beer is not hoppy or malty in taste at all. Again I find it has a compelling taste up front which makes it pleasant and easy to swallow with an exciting aftertaste that makes it so I can't wait for my next sip. I am intrigued by this beer and figure I'll check Railway City's website to see some facts about this ale.

Railway City Brewery says, among other things that Iron Spike Blond Ale is a "medium body with a sweet fruit finish, nicely balanced by moderate thoughtful hopping".  They also mention how this beer would go great with pasta, pizza, lasagna, fajitas, etc. I can attest this to be true as Iron Spike Blonde Ale is the perfect compliment to my dinner of chicken tetrazinni tonight.

With all that said, I would like to get back to my dinner, and Iron Spike. Remember as always you can catch me on twitter @30in30Beck or at The Spotted Tap ( to keep up with the latest beer I am enjoying and all the latest on the craft brewing industry. Please remember to enjoy responsibly, and always arrive alive, please don't drink and drive.

Thank You as always for reading.


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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