Monday 13 August 2012

Sunday August 12, 2012. 11:30pm. Day #7 and Beer #7 of the 30 IN 30.

"Here's to Jumbo, world's largest elephant, friend, and prized attraction of P.T. Barnum's traveling circus. It was 1885 [there] in St. Thomas where he met his early demise in a tragic railway accident that'll forever be remembered in the annals of beer and Canadian history. In his honour [they've] crafted this full bodied ale.  LIVE LIFE LARGE. He'd have wanted it that way. And for you to drink responsibly."

Maybe you guessed, maybe you didn't but beer # 7 in the 30 IN 30 is Railway City Brewery's Dead Elephant India Pale Ale.

I was excited to try this beer. I thought I'd save it for a Sunday so I could do the tasting the justice it deserved. Just kick back, relax, and enjoy a nice cold one to end the week that was.

I came across this beer from the brewery itself. I'd like to personally thank Mr. Robert Dunn of Railway City Brewery for the gift and for suggesting this beer. This is my first foray into the Ale style of beer. Pale Ale to be exact. Not too sure what I was expecting, but this was way better than I thought. I guess I am more used to mainstream beer like Alexander Keith`s India Pale Ale. Lack of taste in that one. When I first took a sip This beer was intriguing. The taste was out of this world. I`d say it is a very malty type flavour up front, and maybe a small hoppy flavour after taste. It is the beer that keeps on giving with every sip. At first I`ll admit I thought I would not enjoy it as much as I am. I am used to lager style beer, but this is I`d say more bold. Now as I get into my second can, which I am pouring in my glass for those who must know, I am enjoying it more and more with every sip. If you are looking for a Pale Ale kind of beer, than this, my friends, is it.

As I investigate the can, which is where the staring quote was sourced from, I see a label on the bottom right signaling "strong beer". Boy they weren't kidding. As I stated above, the taste jumps out at you from the very first sip and through to the end of your glass. If you, like me, are not used to such a strong taste, my suggestion to you is to do as I did, and pour another glass later. It may seem for the weak like me, like a beer that you will not enjoy at first but when you pour another cold glass later I can promise you you'll be glad that you did. Railway City Brewery's Dead Elephant India Pale Ale, I can guarantee you, will be finding itself rather frequently in my beer fridge. Again I'd like to thank Railway City Brewery for helping me expand my taste buds and for helping me stroll into unknown territory with such a great beer. This medium full bodied ale is carefully crafted and will not disappoint, I guarantee that. You can check out Railway City Brewery at their home at 168 Curtis Street in St. Thomas, Ontario, or on their website ( for all the information on their beer.

Thank you for reading, and please enjoy responsibly. I hope that when you "raise your glass of Dead Elephant Ale, you will enjoy everything that Jumbo was and became. Life should be celebrated in every way and if possible enjoy it Jumbo sized!"

You can follow me on twitter @30in30Beck or on the Spotted Tap (

Thank You,


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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