Sunday 12 August 2012

Today is August 11, 2012, and that brings us to Day # 6 and Beer # 6 of the 30 IN 30, so let's get to it.

Beer # 6 in the 30 IN 30 is, Muskoka Brewery's Craft Lager

I must say I have had this beer in my fridge for awhile but haven't got around to drinking it until today. As you may be able to tell, by the paint tray in the background of the picture, I have been working around the house all day and have worked up quite a sweat and thirst to go along with it. This was the first beer I saw in the fridge, so I grabbed it and boy I was glad I did. It is the ultimate thirst quenching beer. Muskoka's Craft Lager is the perfect beer for working around the house. It goes down probably the smoothest out of any of the beers I have had. As far as taste goes, it is comparable to, in my opinion, Amsterdam Brewery's Natural Blonde Lager. The one difference is the taste for Muskoka's Craft Lager is a lot more crisp and pure. There is no hint of bitterness at all. I would have to say that on a hard working day, I have picked probably my favorite tasting beer so far in the 30 IN 30.

Muskoka's Craft Lager, according to the can, is an all malt craft lager made with North American malt and hops. "It's carefully aged and handcrafted to be uniquely flavourful, yet remarkably easy drinking". I can definitely tell a lot of care is put into this beer, and the can doesn't lie because it truly is the most easy drinking beer I have ever had.

Anyways, sorry for the short post, but I must get back to work as there is lots to do and so little time. I'll have to stop off at the fridge and grab another Muskoka Craft Lager before I get to it though.

Thanks for reading. You can follow me on twitter @30in30Beck, or on the Spotted Tap ( Catch up with me tomorrow, pour yourself a fine craft beer and find out which beer makes the cut for day # 7. As always, please enjoy responsibly, and if you drink, please don't drive.

Thank You,


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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