Tuesday 21 August 2012

August 20,2012.

So today's blog will be a little different and here is why. I went, along with my comrades from The Spotted Tap to the Milton Rib Fest yesterday. While there I smapled quite a bit of Craft beer. Today's post will include those beers from the festival. So with that let's get to it.

Beer # 12 in the 30 IN 30 is Hogtown Brewing Company's Hogtown Ale

When we first arrived at the Milton Ribfest, this was the first tent in the beer gardens. I, myself had never heard of the Hogtown Brewing company so I was quite intrigued. I found out that Hogtown has just begun brewing Ale in early 2012. The Hogtown Ale is only available in Toronto at some of the finer pubs but hopefully will be more widely distributed soon. The brewing company was formed when five rugby playing buddies got together with an idea and started brewing craft beer to quench the thirst of Torontonians everywhere. The guys had a vision of creating a local beer with a great flavour and craft qualities, yet had the drinkability of popular lagers. So with that, let's get to the beer.

From my first sip to my last gulp, Hogtown Ale was a refreshing, easy drinking beverage through and through. It was quite enjoyable. It has what I would say is a malt backbone with a lingering hoppy bite. This beer is light enough to be thirst quenching and refreshing yet it leaves you intrigued with the taste. As my glass emptied I found myself yearning for more. It is right to be called Hogtown Ale, because for people outside of Toronto, we can say that "Hogtown" is definitely lucky to be hogging this beer. I can't wait for the future when hopefully this beer is more widely distributed so that I can put it in my beer fridge. As I mentioned before this beer is only available in draught form at some finer pubs in Toronto.

For a full listing of where to find Hogtown Ale check out the Hogtown brewing company's website  http://www.hogtownbrewers.ca/locations/ . If you have the chance, this is a beer I reccommend you make the trip to Toronto for. You won't be disappointed.

Our second stop in our day was at the Grand River Brewing Company's tent. So with this stop came beer # 13 in the 30 IN 30, and lucky # 13 is Grand river Brewing Company's Raspberry Pilsner

This beer is a seasonal beer for the Grand River Brewing Company. It is not the only beer I had from them yesterday, but it is the one that sticks out the most to me. This is probably because this was the most different beer I have ever tasted. It reminded me of Clearly Canadian Raspberry water. Maybe I am dating myself with that but it was a beverage that used to be my favourite when I was a kid. It is not in production anymore, and I have been searching for something like it ever since. Well yesterday I found it, and what better format than a beer. When this beer hit my taste buds I was in heaven. My tastebuds were showered with the refreshing easy drinking taste of raspberries. This beer seemed to be almost carbonated, and I remember thinking that I don't know what it is but I instantly love this beer. It was, I'd say in my unprofessional opinion, a cross between a beer and a cooler. Since this is a seasonal beer quantities are limited, but I reccommend you get out to the LCBO before it is gone. I know I will be. If you can't find it there than this beer is definately worth the drive to Cambridge to pick it up from the brewery itself. They are located at 295 Ainslie Street, Cambridge, Ontario.

For more information of the Grand River Brewing Company, please feel free to check out their website http://grandriverbrewing.com. I will have reviews of some of their other beers in the upcomming days.

My third stop, after getting some ribs to eat mind you was at The Lake of Bays Brewing Company's tent. This stop brought along beer # 14 in the 30 IN 30. Without further adieu # 14 in the 30 IN 30 is Lake of Bays Brewing Company's Crosswind Pale Ale.

This beer is of a lighter colour than most Pale Ale's in the craft brewing industry but don't let this fact scare you away from Crosswind Pale Ale. This beer has more than enough of a flavour punch to satisfy everyone's taste buds. I thoroughly enjoyed this beer from start to finish of my pint. Crosswind Pale Ale has a sweet malt taste to ignite your tastebuds when you first dive into it, followed by a hint of toasted grains, with a slight hoppy bitterness aftertaste to end it all. I call this the flavour hat-trick. This beer is everything that any beer enthusiast, from beginner, like me, to advanced, like the rest of my team at The Spotted Tap, could ask for. It is what I like to refer to as a beer that keeps on giving, and will surely be in regular rotation in my fridge hands down.

To learn more about Lake of Bays Brewery, or to schedule your visit please check out their website   http://www.lakeofbaysbrewing.ca . I promise you won't be disappointed.

My final stop, after yet more food, on this beautiful day celebrating craft beer was at the Flying Monkeys Brewing Company's tent. This brought along my final sample for the day and with it beer # 15 in the 30 IN 30. So with that Beer # 15 and the official half way point of the 30 IN 30 is Flying Monkeys' Smashbomb India Pale Ale.

This, I think was the perfect beer to mark our half-way point in the 30 IN 30. It was also the only beer that I was smart enough to get the camera out and actually photograph my drink.

Smashbomb is an IPA, but it is definitely not typical. There is a slight bitterness to it, but it is highlighted with a citrusy feel to it which dulls the bitterness. This beer has a malt backbone as well and like our previous beer from the day compels you to have more with each passing sip. Usually it takes me awhile to warm up to a bit of a bitter beer but with Flying Monkeys Smashbomb, I was able to dive right in and enjoy it from start to finish. This is an amber coulored beer but it goes down smooth and easy like a blonde Ale, or lager of the same category. Like the previous beer, and as I have stated I thoroughly enjoyed this selection from start to finish.

For more information on the Flying Monkeys Brewing Company, please feel free to puruse their website http://www.theflyingmonkeys.ca/ .

Well I thoroughly enjoyed my experience at the Milton Ribfest and I cannot wait for the next event to check out more exciting selections from the world of craft beer.

As always, thank you for reading and for your support. Please remember to enjoy responsibly, and as always Don't Drink and Drive. You can follow me on twitter @30in30Beck, or on The Spotted Tap (www.thespottedtap.com) to keep up to date with what beers I am enjoying, or all the latest news from the craft brewing industry.

Thanks for reading


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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