Friday 3 August 2012

And so the long weekend begins, and with it so does my trip up north. Since I have to drive, I refuse to drink, as I will set the example and enjoy my beer responsibly. This leads me to Day # 3 of the 30 IN 30 and with that I have saved a certain beer for such day. Yes it is a beer that I have enjoyed before, however I saved it as I knew I had a drive ahead of me and thus what better day to review it, as again I choose to enjoy responsibly and not drink and drive. So with that all said, beer # 3 in the 30 IN 30 is..........

Nickelbrook Brewery's Green Apple Pilsner.........

I know I said I'd stick to Lagers and Pilsners early on, and this beer can be seen as a specialty beer, but it does say Pilsner right on the can so there.

As a side note Nickelbrook Brewery's Green Apple Pilsner is brewed by the Better Bitters Brewing Company out of Burlington, Ontario.

I was so stoked to drink this beer. The first time I ever enjoyed it was in a sampler at Al Dente Restraunt & Wine Bar in Brantford Ontario. To be honest I didn't think much of this beer or that it would be very good when it came in the sampler. Boy was I ever wrong. I remember my first sip as if it was yesterday. I remember the thought of how it tastes like a green apple jolly rancher candy when I took a swig. From then on I was hooked. This beer has become a go to beer in my beer fridge ever since. One knock that I will say about it that has not shown itself in my two previous selections for the 30 IN 30 is this beer does not get better as it warms.

As I have mentioned in my previous blogs is I like to enjoy my beer like a fine wine, so beer has a tendency to warm up quite a bit on me. This beer is best served cold for sure. It has an amazing refreshing taste and the green apple flavour will last for hours (as long as it is cold). For a guy like me who nurses the beer, this could be seen as a bad thing, however take it from me, it is not. I have made Nickelbrook brewery's Green Apple Pilsner my hot afternoon staple. On the weekend when I am enjoying the sun in my backyard, this is definitely my one of my beers of choice, and it will be making an appearance this weekend if I do say so myself.

I was wondering how they got it to taste like an apple so I checked out Nicklebrook Brewery's website ( And found that Green Apple Pilsner is "brewed as a pilsner style beer which is then combined with natural apple juice". That explains it. Makes for a unique taste that I enjoy over and over again. This beer, in my opinion, is the perfect beer for "complimenting or cooking with poultry, pork and seafood". Definitely the perfect beer to make a nice beer batter with.

Anyways, I have a drive ahead of me so I best get to it. As I have mentioned a couple of times, it is a long weekend, so I will be away, and thus not near a computer to post my next two days in the 30 IN 30. I will however be sampling beer still and thus my next post will include days 4,5, and 6 in the 30 IN 30, and I will post it up on Monday. To all of my fellow Ontarians out there I hope that you enjoy a safe and Happy Civic Holiday weekend, and please remember to enjoy your beer responsibly. Please follow my example and don't drink and drive. A nice cold beer will be waiting for you when you get where you are going so wait for it. It'll make the wait worth it and the beer taste that much better. Remember you can't enjoy the taste of a craft beer unless you arrive alive.

Thank you for reading. The Craftsmen blog would be nothing without you. I appreciate all of your support, and we'll speak again on Monday.

Thank you,


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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