Friday 24 August 2012

August 23, 2012

Day # 16 in the 30 IN 30.

Well it's time to kick off the second half of the 30 IN 30. It has been quite the ride so far. I feel that my tastebuds and ideas of what good beer should be have grown in the past 15 posts. I have taken baby steps into the exploration into other, unfamiliar styles of beer and have for the most part enjoyed every minute of it.

I have decided to kick off the second half of the 30 IN 30 by furthering my exploration into unfamiliar beer. With that said, beer # 16 in the 30 IN 30 is Muskoka Brewery's Mad Tom India Pale Ale (Mad Tom IPA).

Sorry about the picture, I forgot my camera somewhere so this generic image will have to do.

I would say before I even put the beer to my lips, that Mad Tom IPA has an almost citrusy, lemon type aroma which is both pleasant and intriguing at the same time. The intriguing part is, does this beer taste like lemons, or oranges??? I wonder. I'll dive right in with a swig. The aroma does not lie. Though there is a pleasant  slightly bitter aftertaste, Muskoka Brewery's Mad Tom IPA does have a citrus flavour to it which is both refreshing and smooth. I find this to be a very easy drinking beer where the smell draws me in and the aftertaste leaves me craving more. I would say that Muskoka's Mad Tom is a lighter coloured beer than most IPA's I have experienced. I would have to say as I get more into it, this beer is semi dry feeling as well. Though very flavourful, and refreshing, It leaves me definitely thirsty. I guess in a sense this is a good fact, because it only compels me to open another bottle. As my second foray into the selection from Muskoka Brewery I am definitely satisfied that this is the kickoff to the second half of the 30 IN 30. I find myself fast becoming a fan of their brewery and selection as a whole, as I have really enjoyed my first two selections from their stock.

For further information on Muskoka Brewery please feel free to check out their website (

With that said, I shall hit the fridge for another Muskoka Brewery Mad Tom IPA. If the next fourteen samples will bring me the enjoyment that Mad Tom IPA has, than this is shaping up to be a momentous second half. As always, you can hop onto to twitter and follow me @ 30in30Beck, or follow me and the others on The Spotted Tap ( to see what we are drinking and stay up to date on all the latest from the craft brewing industry.

As always, please arrive alive. Don't drink and drive. Please enjoy responsibly.

Thanks for reading,


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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