Thursday 9 August 2012

It has been a bit of an up and down week for me. Sorry about the lack of posts, but I have been extremely busy. I was away all weekend, only to return home to find that my internet was not working. When I finally got it working, I came down with a case of food poisoning which set me back for a couple of days. I am finally better now, for those who care, and as you can see the internet is back up and running. With all that said, let's pick up the 30 IN 30 where we left off. I know I have missed five days, however that just means I will extend the 30 IN 30 into September. Again with that said let's pick up where we left off.

Day # 4 and Beer # 4 in the 30 IN 30 is............

Cameron's Brewery's Lager Beer.......

This actually was the first craft beer I ever enjoyed and from the moment it hit my lips and tastebuds, I was hooked. As a fan of lager style beer, This by far was the best Lager I had ever tasted. I have since had some comparable beers but since Cameron's Lager was the first, it will always hold a special place in my heart and beer fridge alike. It is a medium body beer and has a nice smooth refreshing flavour. It is definitely a nice easy drinking beer with a lack of bitterness which some of the mainstream lagers provide. It has a nice malty, hoppy taste which makes it pleasant with every sip, and gives it a nice airy, light summer type feeling. This is the perfect beer to sit down and drink after a hard day's work. When it is in my fridge, I look forward to comming home after work (as a carpenter, so every day is a hard day, but that's besides the point) and enjoying a cool Cameron's Lager with my dinner.

I am definitely curios about the brewing process of this beer so I hopped onto the Cameron's Brewing Company's website ( to see what goes into making this beer so good. Besides what I have mentioned above, Cameron's states that this beer is made with four types of hops. They are Hallerteau, Tettnanger, Spalt, and Sazz, "which are low in bitterness and high in aroma". I have no idea personally what any of those hops are, but as a beer drinker I can tell you that this combination makes for a great beer. As I scroll down the page, I see that this beer has won many awards, and I can definitely see why. This beer is definitely worth the trip to the beer store or LCBO to pick up.

Anyways, all of this talk of Cameron's Lager is making me thirsty. I think I will hit up my fridge for one right now.

You can keep up to date with the beer I am enjoying by following me on Twitter @30in30Beck or on The Spotted Tap website at

Again, I would like to thank everyone including the staff at The Spotted Tap ( for bearing with me this week. I appreciate it, and sorry I got so behind. tune in Later to see which beer makes it for day # 5 and beer # 5 in the 30 IN 30. Sorry again for being so behind. I appreciate all of your support, and remember please enjoy your beer responsibly, and if you drink, please don't drive.

Thank You,


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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