Tuesday 14 August 2012

August 14, 2012, Day # 9 and Beer # 9 of the 30 In 30

Let's get to it, as it is late and I am tired lol

Beer # 9 in the 30 IN 30 is Neustadt Springs Brewery's Lager

Upon my first sip, I had an overwhelming sensation of iced coffee. That is what the taste reminded me of. It is very different, yet remarkably enjoyable. For such a light coloured beer, I am surprised it has such a strong taste. I have always associated these kind of tastes, which has also been the case with my picks in the previous days, with a more Amber coloured beer. Neustadt's Lager has a peculiar hoppy kind of malty flavour which gives it almost a coffee taste. I liken it to a fine iced latte. I found this beer semi easy to drink. Let's remember, however, that I am not as used to flavourful beer as most so I have to take it in slower than some drinkers out there. I would say that this beer, like a more mainstream Guiness, is a beer for the times when you want to sit back and sip on a nice cold one and just enjoy the moment for awhile. I will say that I am enjoying the kind of coffee taste to it. I find it very unique. I am intrigued by this beer so I figure I'll hop onto Neustadt Springs Brewery's website (www.neustadtsprings.com) to check it out further.

Neustadt Lager is "brewed in the Belgium country style, which means it is not as hard on the back of the throat as a Pilsner style beer". This particular lager uses "natural spring water, New Zealand hops, and Canadian malts" in its fine craftsmanship. This combination of ingredients is probably what gives it is peculiar flavour. I will say, though it is not my favourite beer so far, I would drink it again for sure.

Anyways, I better get back to my drink before it gets warm. Remember to follow me on The Spotted Tap (www.thespottedtap.com) as well as on twitter @30in30Beck for all the latest news on craft beer and what drinks make the cut in the coming days. Remember as always to please enjoy responsibly.

Thanks for reading

Thank You


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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