Tuesday 31 July 2012

So, I've laid out my plan of attack for the 30 in 30 (which I am running in conjunction with The Spotted Tap (www.thespottedtap.com)), as it all begins tomorrow. There are eight different brewing styles (Lager, Pilsner, Ale, Wheat, Bock, Porter, Stout, and Specialty Beer) I plan to attack just the pilsner and lager categories. This will make it so that I can give an honest and comparable opinion on the selections I have sampled. At the end of my month I will hand out my Craftsmen awards to the best of my selection. Its not an actual award, but just my rating of the beer and is open for discussion as you wish.

Now I know what you're thinking, what about the other six categories which I have yet to sample. Well the beauty of time is after this month there comes another month. Which means the 30 in 30 can start all over again with my sampling and reviews of another category and another selection of beer. Which will lead to another set of  Craftsmen award, and more discussion. Fun and exciting I know. I only hope that you will raise your opinions and discuss with me.

Anyways, tomorrow is a busy day, so until then, let's raise a glass, untap our senses and enjoy a cold craft beer.

Thanks again,

The Craftsmen

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