Monday 30 July 2012

I would like to welcome you to my blog. The purpose of this blog is to give a voice to all who enjoy craft beer and a place where we can all share our experiences in a fun environment. Not only will I just discuss craft beer, but I intend to share my experiences in the pubs and restaurants where I enjoyed my ice cold pint. Being fairly new to the craft beer scene, I feel I have an open mind and am willing to try anything. I feel that with no built in bias' who better to try and review some beer. I hope that you reading will feel free to comment and share your experiences. If you do not agree with what I have to say feel free to comment. I will post all comments uncensored, as I feel that this is the perfect way for an open honest interactive discussion and I feel that we can all learn from each other this way.

As August 1st fast approaches, I have decided to embark upon a quest called the 30 in 30. I am running this in conjunction with The Spotted Tap ( It is a simple quest, as it is simple 30 beers in 30 days. Intend to try 30 different craft beers in 30 days. I hope that you will all enjoy and if you have some suggestions for me to try, post a comment below. I will release my list of beers tomorrow.

Anyways, Thanks for reading, and I promise the writing will get better as I grow and get more practice so please bear with me. Thank you for reading.


Andrew Beckerson
The Craftsmen

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